Paid Studies

Paid Studies

We believe in investing in you, the person. Compared to investing in places and things. Our Intercontinental Support Services. Has allowed overflow of financial means. The only way we can think of doing good in all communities. The first step in investing directly to the people. Not agencies and Governments. The money never seems to get do where it is for, the people. That means, you. Our focus is in you. We figure helping you develop a real financial understanding foundation. By completing assignments. We walk you through each one. Simple and only meet once a week in "Zoom" meeting. Remember it cost you nothing and we pay you after completion. Fun, exciting and educational. You will never be the same and at a higher standard. Let us "Put Our Money Where Our Mouths Are" per say. 

There is a waiting list out to September of 2020. If you are through Amis Interactive Communities. Then, we will personal support the expenses and staffing support. Just follow the steps in the short overview. We will have our Founder, Brotherbill (William Earl Amis, Jr. III of Suffolk Amis's) personally communicate one on one during your whole experience of our "Paid Study"

No one has turned this down in forty-three years and counting. It is too amazing and a true blessing for working with passionate people. All who live to serve others like yourself. We believe in "Real Human Interaction" which is almost lost. 

Thanks for taking time to read this statement of support. Here is the overview. 

We, are seeking people and pay them to participate #60DayChallenge.

© Copyright Free Support For Life